Step 1: Business Details
- Enter your business name and business mailing address in the required fields.
- Once you’ve completed all the required information, click the “Continue” button at the bottom left and proceed to Step 2.
🐝 Hivey Tip: The registered business name will appear on your Hivey profile, while Venues will see your marketing business name when you apply to their events!
Step 2: Upload Menu
- Upload your menu file in JPG, PNG, or PDF format, or simply add a link URL to showcase your menu.
- When you’re ready, click the “Continue” button in the bottom right corner to proceed to Step 3.
🐝 Hivey Tip: Be sure to include detailed descriptions and prices on your menu to give Venues and customers a clear picture of what you offer!
Step 3: Points of Contact
- Fill out the *required fields for the Account Admin, who will manage your Hivey account.
- Once all fields are completed, click the Submit button in the bottom right corner.
🐝 Hivey Tip: Make sure the Account Admin is someone who will handle direct communication with Venues regarding event details and coordination!