Vendor Cancellations

  • If a Vendor that has been confirmed for your upcoming event cancels, you will receive an automated email notification of the cancellation.
  • To select a replacement, go to your Pending Approvals in your account and approve another one of your previous Vendor applicants.
  • Once you approve a new Vendor, they will receive an automated email informing them they have been selected and need to confirm their attendance. Having backup options in your Pending Approvals makes handling last-minute cancellations much easier.

🐝 Hivey Tip: If you don’t have any other Pending Approvals, no worries! Simply cancel the event and create a new one in the Calendar section. This will notify your entire Vendor list that an opening is available for the event!

Vendor Withdrawn Status

  • If an approved Vendor’s status changes to Withdrawn, it means they have voluntarily removed themselves from your network.
  • To remove them from your list, click the three dots on the far right and select Delete.

🐝 Hivey Tip: Keep your Vendor List up-to-date by removing Vendors you no longer work with. This helps maintain a clean list, so you always know who is actively in your network!

What are your feelings
Updated on December 31, 2024